52% of total revenue from emails increased email revenue by 37% (additional €80k), generated €296k in total from September - December 2022
Who ?
They are a skincare brand and were already doing great numbers and were around 35% of their revenue through emails.
They built a loyal and a healthy list BUT they knew they could do better. Email wasn't their main focus since their Ecom Manager was dealing with other important things.
Results after working with us
We took over the account and increased the email results by 37% through fixing their leaking holes in their email strategy netting them an additional €80k in revenue and a total email revenue of €296k in less than 4 months.
Watch the Full Case Study here:
$130,360 in less than 2 months tripling their revenue
Who ?
This is a Ukraine fashion brand that had to scale down due to the war.
After being relient on ads they had to come up with some strategies to increase profitability so we started working together in July 2022.
Results after working with us
We revamped their flows and integrated a regular campaign schedule. Since then we’re averaging around 33% of total revenue through emails and generated them $130,360 in October and November 2022.
Watch the Full Case Study here:
Email Revenue up by 75%, €353k in additional revenue in less than 5 months
Who ?
They never paid too much attention to emails before. May 2022 they decided to start working with a cheaper agency instead of us.
Their results were mediocre and end of August after tying them up in a 3 month contract the maximum percentage of revenue was 19%.
Results after working with us
Since we knew we will start working 1st of September we prepared everything in advance so by the first of September everything was live and since then we’re running their emails averaging a 33% of revenue through emails stated on Klaviyo.
Watch the Full Case Study here:
37% of total revenue from emails, $390,717 in additional revenue in 2022
Who ?
They make wooden crafted toys for children. They never paid too much attention to emails before starting to work with us.
They were using Mailchimp and sent some emails here and there.
Results after working with us
September 2021 they hired us to get emails going. Since then we generated more than half a million dollars in email revenue, around $390k in 2022. We’re still running their emails till today averaging 37% of total revenue through emails in 2022.